About me

My name is Ronald Knoll. With my art, I want to make the world a better place for all.
I devoted my life to art, the accumulation of diverse knowledge and the related development of my philosophy.

The greatest triumph of humanity will be to overcome materialism and polarized thought.

Because people often say - I would never have thought of that! They claim far too often - I do not believe it!                                            

                              (OWN QUOTES)

As a freelance artist, I have the possibility to shape political and social satire in a metallic form. And I have used this option extensively so far as one can recognize at the press releases.


Born in 1977 in Naumburg. Grown up in the country, went to school in the city of Naumburg. Abitur was completed 1997. From 1998 studies mechanical engineering at the FH Merseburg. From 2000, he became an optician. From 2003 to 2013 the occupation of the eye optic exercised just for earning money .

Since 2013, a complete transformation of the life structure and intensive start of the world's own studies in natural sciences, politics, history, archeology, economics, psychology, quantum physics, nutrition, philosophy, health, etc

The area of ​​fringe science becomes the main area of ​​interest

Motorcycles have been part of his life since he was 14 years old and have a huge impact on their leisure time. To radically rebuild the ambitious motorcycles connected with this led to the new knowledge about art. Design, construction and craftsmanship of customizing merged with the fine-minded side of pure artistic shaping into a structure.
To express the idea in words, the first idea was self-employment.
But metal is harder than all words and a tangible manifestation of thoughts, desires, feelings and messages. This is the reason why this artist's journey is now being pursued intensively ...

© 2017 Iron revelations Naumburg
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